Friday, November 20, 2009

Profanity vs. Morals

Why is it that people today seem to always have to use profanity as a way of describing someone, something or a mood? Is it not seen as normal if one does not use profanity to say something a more “complex” word could describe just as well, but they use profanity anyway because they are lazy? Growing up, many kids see it as “cool” or “fun” to swear in their sentences, as their parents do. To be able to get away with saying “crap” or “shit” gives the sense of adultness that many kids are trying to get as they move into their teenage years. Though morals have changed over time, as a young adult today would not have the same morals that their grandparents had when they were young adults, the fact that swearing has come more socially acceptable is a depressing though indeed. Because it is socially acceptable to speak such profanity when describing someone, something or a mood, the sense of morals that our grandparents upheld would be scoffed at in today’s society. Because parents are not reprimanding their children when profanity is said at too young of age, people just grin and bare it instead of telling their children that it is not acceptable to say words in such a way, when other words could easily be used to say what the person is feeling without having to swear.

It is not fair to say that the morals of society have changed in any way just because profanity is used more often and used by children younger and younger each year. Many parents have a strong household and rules to which their children have to abide by. Though there is no physical, mental or emotional ‘abuse’ to force this on the child, but it is how the child is raised. Depending on how the parent’s are raised, the child will most likely be brought up the same way. Many parents now of young teenagers had morals and rules in their household and have brought those forward, through the times to keep them alive in theirs. But parents that lack morals because their parents slacked on rules in the house will most likely slack as well, ending up with children that use profanity as loosely as their parents do. Though some people think that if they use profanity they are acting bigger and should be respected, but in real life they will not be accepted into society as well as other’s that use correct grammar and language that is not offensive. If one was to use profanity loosely while attempting to get a job, it is obvious that it would be difficult for them to get a job; as people 30 and over today would be greatly offended if while they were in line at Wal-Mart to pay for their merchandise, the cashier frequently used loose profanity to speak and hold a conversation.

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